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Using the "Find" tool (simple)

Viewing tip: Press the 'Play' button, and then the 'Fullscreen' button on the right.

The Find tool is one of the single most useful features in any Office program, including Excel.

Using the binoculars, or alternatively hitting CTRL+F for the keyboard shortcut lovers among you, will let you type in and find a word in your document or spreadsheet. It will find each instance of that word throughout the text and you can cycle back and forth through all of them.

Once you’ve found the word you need, you are free to modify it as needed.

The Find tool can help with such tasks as proofreading, editing, and search engine optimization (SEO), among others.

In addition, you’ll find that the CTRL+F shortcut has become quite universal, and you can even use it in programs that are not Office-based or even Microsoft, such as Google Chrome and other internet browsers.